Home Features
She races jets: Tam Camilleri
Jet-race pilot, airshow jet formation pilot, commercial pilot, aviation business-owner, charter pilot, survey pilot, flight instructor, aviation safety and compliance manager, speaker, industry panellist,...
Celebrating the pioneering women of Australian aviation
In this Women of Aviation Week we’re celebrating the achievements of the Australian women who have contributed to the development of the industry over the past century.
Breaking the surly bonds
A seemingly minor accident at Gold Coast Airport is a reminder of the importance of maintaining a full set of safety defences for every flight.
NOTAMs – not always the full story
NOTAMs don’t always tell the full story – meaning a quick phone call or some extra research can make all the difference.
Characteristics of success
What is the essence the foundation of safety itself?
Answer – our character.
Leaving this world
The young pilot's last words were spoken in the studied unconcerned register of a seasoned aviator. 'Is there any known traffic below five thousand [feet]?' Fred Valentich asked Melbourne Flight Service at 19:06 on a calm clear October evening.
Without warning – pilot incapacitation
The poets and philosophers are right: life is fragile, so take care of yourself. This particularly applies to pilots who hold the lives of others literally in their hands.
The last enemy
There's an aviation hazard out there that doesn't care how focused, diligent and talented a pilot you are. The more time you spend in...
Wires – they’re out to get you
Regional flying has hazards and one is almost invisible to the naked eye – wires.
Wire strikes can affect both fixed wing and rotorcraft, with...
Simply the best
Sometimes we forget how lucky we are as 21st century general aviation pilots. Just a couple of decades ago, the flight planning process was...
Ring of fire
A tiny, inexpensive part was ignored for decades until it failed, with dreadful consequences.
The fiery crash of a 44-year-old Mooney MJ201 in 2022 remains...
The deadly dirty dozen
The 'dirty dozen' is a term often used to describe the most common human factors precursors of incidents or accidents. We can all play...
A female history
Like many of the great leaps forward in aviation history, the contribution of women to aviation manufacture and maintenance was prompted by war.
The fabric-covered...
Really and truly
Training day
I was teaching at a flight safety provider that included classroom instruction, a simulator session and 4 hours in the air.
My student had...
Additive manufacturing: a little here, a little there
Michelangelo were alive today, he might not be bothered with a hammer, chisel and block of stone. In the Renaissance, the only way for...
Relaxed, comfortable and in control
Comfort is too important to be left at home when you fly. What you wear, combined with aircraft ergonomics, optimises your flying experience and...
Down to a sunless sea
'Barring a nosedive into the channel, I'll be in Paris in a few days'. – Glenn Miller, in a letter to his brother Herb,...
Invisible avalanche
The pilots of the Bell 212 knew there was forecast moderate turbulence with localised severe turbulence, mechanical turbulence and windshear. It was forecast to...
The subtle art of riding a Tiger
Amy Johnson flew a Gipsy Moth from London to Darwin, solo, over 20 days in May 1930. Around 10,000 nautical miles, cruising at 74...
Gone with the wind
Sudden turbulence, unexpected climbs and heart-pounding descents – discover how pilots handle the invisible force of wind shear.
Flying in diverse weather conditions brings unique...
Nearly hit the roof
The pilot's art is easy to describe but hard to do: project your mind anywhere between several seconds and several minutes ahead of your...
Plan to survive
The contributing factors involved in general aviation accidents are no mystery, but avoiding them requires effort and discipline.
Jack be nimble
The widely misunderstood phenomenon of servo transparency – or jack stall – can turn a helicopter pilot into a passenger – without any warning.
Uprising in the regions
Peter Smith: strategist
One of the minds that built Australia's modern aerospace industry says the benefits and opportunities of the next aviation boom are potentially...
The sky’s the limit for colour vision deficient pilots
A new colour vision assessment will allow more pilots to fly safely
Luke Zaccaria grew up dreaming of a career flying high above the clouds.
Enjoy the open spaces
These 5 simple tips will help you fly safely in uncontrolled airspace.
Watching a feature film about how to safely and legally fly in non-controlled...
Fruits of tragedy
Ten years after 2 appalling aviation disasters, reforms and countermeasures are being put in place.
It's been more than a decade since 2 air disasters...
Out of a clear blue sky
Bell 47 G2, VH-AHF
Pitt Street, Sydney NSW,
Saturday 10 December 1966
The crash of a helicopter onto a city street shocked a nation.
'In aviation, there is...
Scanning: the art of seeing
An effective lookout could be a split-second observation between a safe scenic flight and a missed potential hazard.
Picture this: you're cruising through the boundless...
Ups and downs: managing the risks of a belly landing
Retractable landing gear may mean faster flight and better fuel consumption, but its complexity adds risk. However, there are lessons to be learnt from...
Better off apart
One of the less considered challenges of IFR flying is managing traffic, particularly around non-controlled aerodromes.
Hazards in the hangar!
Safety in the hangar is an important aspect of aviation safety that is worth brushing up on.
Retro but current
Projects swapping combustion engines for electric power seek to give long-serving aircraft types a second, green career.
Clean-sheet aircraft designs require not only huge sums...
Keep your nose clean
Propeller strike is expensive, embarrassing, but not inevitable.
The phrase 'prop strike' will make any aviator's gut wrench – from the sound, shock of impact...
Four failures and a lucky break
If not for sheer luck, the headline here would have been 4 failures and a funeral.
Hit your target – or learn to handle rejection
Take-off is no time for wishful thinking.
Pilots tend to be optimists. Advancing the throttle(s) for take-off, expectation bias lulls us into 'seeing' all is...
Vertical challenger
The designers of what is planned to be Australia's first certified advanced air mobility aircraft say technology and safety go hand in hand.
Safety was...
Shortcut to destruction
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it saved 200 labour hours, but it turned out to be a human factors...
Getting in the zone
For private pilots, flying in controlled airspace requires 3 things: preparation, concentration and communication, as the editor of Flight Safety Australia discovered for himself.
Readjusting to new realities
As Maintenance Month unfolds, we revisit this 2023 article spotlighting the aviation industry's agility in adjusting to the new challenges and opportunities of virtual and augmented reality technology.
Phoney maintenance revisited
As we celebrate Maintenance Month, we revisit this insightful 2019 article shedding light on the crucial yet often overlooked aspect of aviation safety: maintenance practices. Delving into the intricacies of maintenance procedures, it serves as a timely reminder of the vital role maintenance plays in ensuring the safety and reliability of aircraft operations.
Nose to the grindstone
Boeing 747-312 VH-INH
Sydney (Kingsford-Smith) Airport,
12:22 pm, 19 October 1994
Every accident, no matter how minor, is a failure of the organisation.
– Jerome F...
Proficient approaching professional
Specific programs for weekend and fair-weather pilots to hone their skills are money well spent.
Imagine it's a clear sunny day – perfect conditions. You're...
See you, see me: ADS-B
Automatic dependent surveillance–broadcast (ADS-B) could save your life which is why the government will pay you to fit it.
What is ADS-B?
ADS-B is a system...
The comfort of control
The benefit of flying in controlled airspace is you are no longer alone in the sky but have a team working to keep you...
Aviate, navigate, communicate, educate
Kreisha Ballantyne takes a look at the effectiveness of aviation safety awareness campaigns in Australia and overseas.
Some days the news seems too awful to...
Caught in the clouds
How thorough flight planning can avoid the trap of VFR into IMC
The recent accidents of a Van’s Aircraft flying into cloud and breaking up...
Power to the pedal
When a flock of birds met a heavily loaded aircraft flown by a newly converted pilot inexperienced in the characteristics of the new type,...
The bonfire of the inadequacies
The malfunction of a flight instrument was only one link in a chain of shortcomings that turned a cargo aircraft into a winter inferno.
Smoke is no joke
With climate change and now an El Niño upon us, bushfires are set to increase in frequency and severity. The atmospheric effects of these fires are a distinct aviation hazard in their own right.
Ace your flight review: 7 secrets to success
Flight reviews come around fast and can be a nerve-racking experience – particularly if you’re not maintaining your currency as a pilot. These 7 tips can help you ace the experience.
Dirty plus thirty
A 12-factor classification of maintenance hazards remains as relevant as it was in 1993. Gordon Dupont’s' dirty dozen’, identifies manageable distinct safety problems, breaking a huge vague challenge into 12 smaller ones.
Seven deadly shortcuts cognitive biases and aviation
The habits and tricks your brain uses to get you through everyday life become a problem when they run riot in the cockpit. To battle your biases you first need to know what they are.
Planning for the worst: performance and alternates
As a professional pilot, you plan for depressurisation and engine failures. Doing this thoroughly means also planning for fuel for the remainder of your...
Desktop to cockpit
Is modern desk-based aircraft simulation good enough to get Adrian Park through a check ride (or 2) after a few years away from the...
A lot to be bearing in mind
Should it have been a surprise when an aircraft engine that had not been overhauled for 23 years exploded, sprayed oil over the windscreen and led to a crash that seriously injured the pilot.
The gremlin and the governor
When the system that controls a helicopter's engine RPM becomes unreliable, the result can be an uncomfortable period of in-flight anarchy.
The pilot was taken...
A kamikaze’s inevitable fate
The pilot had a frightening nickname, and a reputation as a confident, highly skilled rogue. But nothing was done until it was too late.
From bricks to beauties: a lifetime aloft
A birthday gift allowed pilot Michael Apps to compare and contrast modern gliding with his early experiences of the sport.
Germany was banned from developing...
Ramping up
Ground handling, an often-overlooked corner of aviation safety, is facing post-COVID-19 challenges.
Ask a military or general aviation pilot how an aircraft flies and your...
Limitations are real
The rules that govern your aircraft's performance envelope are not imposed by regulators, but by nature. Ignore them at your peril.
An excerpt from an...
An underwriter among friends
Urbane is the ideal word to describe Julian Fraser. But it's also an ironic term, considering his background.
The son of a station manager, he...
Creatures of habit
Good ones are your best friends, bad ones are treacherous enemies, so sort out your aviation habits, says Kreisha Ballantyne.
I was recently asked to...
Journey’s end: the Bakers Creek disaster
It remains the most deadly aircraft crash on Australian soil, yet is largely unknown outside the town where it happened.
Boeing B-17C, 40-2072, VH-CBA
Bakers Creek,...
Whatever the weather: learning the hard way
Some character-building encounters with wind, rain and cloud teach this handful of pilots the perils of optimism.
'Forecast looks good, mate. The hail isn't meant...
Weather wisdom: unravelling probability – PROB30 and PROB40
It pays to understand the use of PROB on weather forecasts, as it has significant safety and regulatory implications for flight planning.
Double-plus caution: watch for gliders
Gliders don't behave the same as a powered aircraft, so best not to expect them to.
Researching this article, I found myself in the front...
The first and the last
Graham Murphy's sixty-year career began in a wood and canvas biplane and took him high into the flight levels, behind the glass displays of...
In the slot to hit the spot
Striving for accuracy in landings will benefit every phase of your flying.
It's fun to be the ace of the base and win a spot...
Winter’s burden: avoiding the icy grip
Understand the threat, and don't wing it through icy conditions this winter.
Flying in winter has many perks, such as smooth crisp air and a...
Bump, snap, chop, drop
Mast bumping is an instant terminator of helicopter flight, and pilots' lives. It needs to be understood to be avoided.
Case study: tested to destruction
The unseen hand: automation, human factors and drones
Margo Marchbank talks to industry professionals on how the powerful combination of automation, human capabilities and human limitations affects uncrewed aviation in unique ways.
One strike and you’re out
Wire strike rarely offers second chances, which means knowledge, planning and abundant caution are your only defences.
For most private pilots, the best strategy to...
Simulate or stagnate
After years of flying a desk Adrian Park faces the dilemma of how to preserve his skills. Could the solution be in the computer...
Impact at Polo Flat
Pilatus PC/6 B1 Series H2 Porter VH-SMB
Cooma, NSW
10:02 am Thursday 20 May 1976
A single mistake by an experienced pilot led to instant annihilation....
Adjusting to new realities
The technologies of virtual and mixed reality are revolutionising aviation maintenance.
Simulation has been part of aviation since at least 1929 when Edwin Link built...
Piper Alpha after 35 years – the heartbreak and the lessons
To commemorate the disaster's anniversary, Flight Safety Australia revisits our 2018 story on an infamous oil platform disaster which has grim, but abundant, parallels...
Plan before you land
Uncertified aerodromes, bush strips and paddocks can be perfectly good landing areas – or traps. It's up to you to find out which is...
Now and next: the subtleties of state and trend
Knowing how your aircraft is trending is a refined form of situational awareness that should always be in fashion.
Pilots tend to be pretty good...
Pilot fatigue: let’s go back to basics
For pilots, sleep is not a luxury. Your safety in flight depends on being well rested.
Once you're a private pilot, you have the luxury...
When friends drop in
After an unsettling experience, Angela Stevenson decided to get familiar with parachute operations – and took the plunge.
Flying through a military parachute-training drop zone,...
Singularity and safety
Single-engine aircraft are often operated privately under IFR, but traditionally, charter and air transport under IFR have been limited to twins. Nick Stobie looks...
The phantom menace
A terrible danger waited on the spot in the ocean where the real world and the digital world diverged.
Sikorsky S-92A, EI-ICR, Rescue 116
Black Rock,...
Robinson’s revolution
The operational history of helicopter designs in Australia by Frank Robinson is a case study in how safety comes from the interaction of engineering, training and culture.
Using the same hymn sheet: safe flight in controlled airspace
In conjunction with the launch of CASA’s pilot safety hub, Kreisha Ballantyne takes a look at flying at controlled aerodromes.
Anyone can sing in the...
Aviation 2.0
Uncrewed aerial systems have been at the centre of Dr Reece Clothier’s professional life since it began.
A primer on corrosion
It is the enemy of most metals, never sleeps, loves damp conditions and wants to eat your aircraft. However, if this story had been written 5 years ago, it might well have started with the line that aircraft corrosion is an issue despite Australia being the driest inhabited continent on Earth.
Plan to succeed
The difference between a safe journey and a dangerous debacle is in the preparation, so make good use of your kitchen table.
Before any flight...
Things that go bump in the night
Two experienced helicopter pilots, a common training exercise and a freshly paved runway. How did this combination lead to a damaged helicopter and a narrow escape from catastrophe?
Getting real: an editor’s dilemma
Most of Flight Safety Australia editor Ross Peake's working decisions are made in the office (or home office). So it was a refreshing change and a reminder of the realities of psychological pressure to make a solo flight to outback Queensland.
Wait for it
The after effects of 2 years of COVID-19 continue in aviation in the form of supply chain difficulties. Is this aviation's long COVID?
So much for the 'roaring twenties'. Pandemic and war have reintroduced scarcity to economies around the world after years basking in the luxury of just-in-time supply chains in a global marketplace.
Meeting of metal
The collision of 2 airliners in the US, 57 years ago, is a story of superlative airmanship, and a solemn reminder of the limits of see-and-avoid as a defence against collision.
What a drip!
Pilots should never be afraid of creating a delay if the aircraft is not fit for flight. And passengers annoyed by this might care...
Avoiding descent below minimums: a simple technique
On the evening of 13 May 2021, a … Beechcraft Baron 95-B55 … departed Ceduna Airport, South Australia (SA), for a charter flight under the instrument flight rules (IFR) to Parafield Airport, SA, with the pilot and one passenger onboard. During the flight, the autopilot system did not function as the pilot expected.
More power to your better self
A fatal impact during a training flight involving two experienced pilots prompts Adrian Park to consider the relationship between rules, procedures, compliance and human performance. The words that spell out rules and procedures are dead marks on a page until they are embodied and lived out.
Lives in the balance
With aircraft, as in life, a safe and comfortable journey often depends on a question of balance.
It was a question that would prove critical for the occupants of a Beechcraft Baron 95-B55 that left Sydney's Bankstown Airport for Cooma one moonless evening in 1992.
Dazzled in the gloom
Behind an error that killed 9 people, investigators found an insidious and potent psychological force.
Getting on with the job
Adrianne Fleming, OAM, pilot, instructor, owner and Head of Operations of Tristar Aviation, member of multiple government industry advisory panels and author of The Left Seat, has been named Australian Aviation's Female Aviation Leader of the Year 2022.
Are you ready? Here comes THE best recommendation for a blockbuster summer read. Forget your James Pattersons and Stephen Kings. We're talking edge-of-your-seat, super-thriller stuff. It's called The Top End wet season Graphical Area Forecast (GAF).
You only get one shot: emergency landings
Doing it right could save your life, so why not practise? While no pilot would willingly choose to experience a real-life engine failure after take-off (EFATO), regularly practising simulated emergency procedures alongside circuit training should be a conscious decision. Practice forced landings (PFLs) are not the ones you want to get rusty.
As you do
An Australian study reveals an unexpected relationship between pilots, personalities and risk-taking, and provides encouraging evidence of discipline by pilots. Risk-taking and aviation have an uneasy relationship. Taking needless risks is a factor in countless aviation accidents, including inadvertent encounters with instrument meteorological conditions, powerlines, fuel exhaustion and stall speed.
Don’t be that one
The 53-year-old pilot had a reputation for caution and thoroughness and ‘was always very concerned about safety’ - or so his obituary said. An acquaintance described how he had twice delayed a flight because he was concerned the conditions were beyond his personal minimums.
A type of challenge
The morning after, and nine miners were flying back to Kalgoorlie after the previous night’s Christmas celebrations. At a civilised 9.55 am, their chartered aircraft took off from Leinster, outback Western Australia. The flight south to Kalgoorlie was to take about 50 minutes.
Culture, challenge and catastrophe
The crisis provoked by COVID-19 is a challenge to aviation safety that is not going away soon. But history shows how inspired leadership can turn adversity into improvement.
Aviation safety is an extremely emotive topic. Whenever the safety and wellbeing of humans is concerned, there is a high degree of public interest.
A dangerous thing happened on the way to the racecourse
The phenomenon' of dynamic rollover is a (sometimes expensive) reminder that helicopters' need expert and careful handling from the moment their rotors' start turning.
First Tuesday in November 2013, and racegoers were heading off to Flemington Racecourse for a fun and enjoyable day at the Melbourne Cup.
Peril of the passenger
An inexperienced flyer is an unknown factor, so be prepared for anything if you take one for a ride.
Do you remember your first time in a small aircraft?
You were in the right-hand seat, with the pilot alongside, taking off, landing and everything in between.
I quit flying in circles
The Good old bad old days
Stuart Jones looks back on procedures of times past.
I don’t know whether aviation was better in the mid to...
Stalls in the circuit
Pilots are instinctively and correctly cautious on the base‑to-final turn but examination of accident numbers reveals another dangerous phase of circuit flight
Let’s look at...
Whichever way you slice it: the end of Flight 1016
One of the first accidents to be dissected by a new theory of causation remains one of that theory’s most telling case studies
By Steve...
The ins and outs of ADS-B
Shelley Ross says the safety and operational benefits of this technology make it a must for any category of aircraft
FlyDoc25, traffic is C182 ABC,...
Or forever hold your peace
Using radio to enhance situational awareness is an essential part of flying safely in shared airspace.
On 18 September 2020, an Extra EA-300 aeroplane, registered...
A warrior’s death
de Havilland Mosquito B.XX, KB 267/AZ-E
Steenburgen, Nord Brabant, The Netherlands
Tuesday, 19 September 1944
The most important thing of all is this cockpit drill business …
Different but the same
Fiona Church has been a bush pilot, Qantas pilot and now a drone operator. Success in these diverse fields has 3 common ingredients, she says...
Check and collect
When you pick up an aircraft after maintenance or repair you are a test pilot, so act like one
As I write this, my employer’s...
Screaming skulls and Stockholm syndrome
John Laming remembers some of those who taught him to fly, and shudders
Few pilots, professional or amateur, forget the good instructors with whom they...
Remove before flight
The lessons learnt from the series of small failures that led to an airliner full of passengers taking off with its pitot covers still...
Back in the air: what goes around
Knowing when and how to perform a go-around is a perishable skill that needs practice and revision after the enforced groundings of the past...
Tragic beyond words
The misunderstanding that led to a terrible accident also highlighted the need for proficiency in aviation English. Progress has been made but experts warn...
In a field near Pittsburgh
In his previous career as a newspaper reporter, CASA senior media officer Steve Creedy had a first-hand view of one of the most mysterious and...
Stranger things – Electric VTOL aircraft
They are coming to a sky near you, using the features and limitations of their technology to create a new form of aviation
Where we’re...
Southern exposure
If you plan shrewdly, a general aviation tour of Tasmania can be a scenic, safe and enjoyable experience
So you’ve decided this is the year...
A tale of ice and fire
Behind an apparently simple and thankfully, non-fatal crash landing, lay a complex brew of errors, factors and assumptions.
On 19 December 2019, a turbine powered...
A mountain in the mind
Thai Airways flight TG311 Airbus A310-300, HS-TID Langtang, Nepal 31 July 1992
Nothing is easier than self-deceit. For what every man wishes, that he also believes to be true.
Down to a sunless sea
I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
Clearing the air: aircraft propulsion alternatives
What becomes of aviation in a world committed to carbon neutrality? The answer might not be as grim as it seems, with new technologies...
Cutting a corner
A New Zealand accident involving two professional instructors and a modern well equipped aircraft is a story of how a combination of individual lapses...
It’s my party and I’ll fly if it’s safe to
Temptations and biases to attend an event can be powerful but safety of flight must always come first because winds, cloud and rain don’t...
Son of a pitch-up
Robert Cassidy remembers a close call of a kind that has killed vastly more experienced pilots than he was at the time
From September 1984...
Cogs in a system
We can’t say for sure if a truck swerving to avoid a kangaroo on an outback road led to the deaths of 13 people...
Instrument failure: the test of trust
Uncertain instrument indications are a deceptive threat, but differing pilot response in 2 incidents of pitot blockage led to drastically different outcomes
From the first...
Theory and practice: getting the glide right
Gliding a powered aircraft is a rare and high-stakes exercise. If you have to get down safely without engine power, knowledge and experience will...
Journey to the dark side
The Good old bad old days
John Laming revisits an incident that highlights the importance of the maintenance release
COVID-19 has seen the closing of world...
Trained attackers
Coordinating firefighting aircraft is a complex juggling act of safety-critical decisions, played out in heat and smoke
Pick your analogy: a bushfire fighting air attack...
Back in the box: the importance of tool control...
Technology can assist, but not replace, human thoroughness in controlling this foreign object damage hazard
Aircraft maintenance is an unforgiving way to make a living.
Unload your brain, and learn
Be prepared has been a Scout slogan for more than a century but it’s advice that rookie pilots can sometimes overlook.
Veteran Rex training and...
Above all, beware
Your choice: cultivate this so-called ‘soft’ skill or expose yourself to hard consequences
Researching this article, I came across the website FairyGodBoss which declared: ‘Forget...
Know your score
Can you be brutally honest about your flying skills? If so, here’s a way to help you improve.
Most Flight Safety Australia readers probably know...
Charging up – flying an electric aircraft
Electric aircraft aren’t coming: they are here. With them comes a new combination of operating limitations and significant advantages. We take a look at...
The write stuff
World champion air racer Matt Hall puts his flight planning on the record
Planning and debriefing are key factors in Matt Hall’s every flight,...
No place for a hero
‘To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness.’
– Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest,
by Oscar...
Your backup is yourself
Keeping current in the fundamentals of navigation is vital, even in the digital era
It’s been a stunning morning in the air. Two pilots, best...
Safety leadership: from compliance to trust
Stuart Aggs, Virgin Australia Group Chief Operations Officer, is a firm believer in delegating authority to those with the responsibility for safety.
Ultimately, the buck...
I’m good, just ask me: The killer factor in weather crashes
A psychological perspective on VFR-into-IMC accidents makes some alarming findings, but suggests new solutions
By Anthony Stanton and Robert Wilson
One flight lasted just over a...
Telling it like it is
CASA’s latest Plain English Guide is a bonus that comes with the new Part 91 regulations
New flight operations rules began on 2 December, covering...
Keeping on truckin’
The air cargo industry escaped the decimation that COVID-19 wrought on passenger aviation. But keeping the goods moving in a time of pandemic has...
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
Flying near a fire can result in the pilot losing the visual cues needed to stabilise the helicopter
As we move into summer, the nation’s aerial...
The tails of two aeroplanes
The good old bad old days
The differences between general aviation and air transport aircraft may be vast, but both require airmanship for safe, efficient operation
Don’t tear your envelope
As a pilot, you have an envelope with your name on it – but you’ll never find it in your letterbox.
Like the conceptual envelope...
Need to know before you go: a resource kit for...
When air shows take off again, will you have the knowledge and skills to get there by air? Kreisha Ballantyne has some important tips...
Brutal departure
The effects of years of organisational amnesia, imprecision and improvisation came to a head one terrible morning over Bass Strait
Boeing 707-368C, A20-103, ‘Windsor 380’
Heat of battle – the new stresses on aerial firefighting
Operators of firefighting aircraft have to adapt to the emerging hazards of larger and more widespread fires
In 2019–20 Australia burned in fires that stretched...
When you know it should be no
If icing is forecast but your charter aircraft doesn’t have anti-icing equipment, what should you do if the chief pilot insists you ‘go up...
Both feet on the ground
CASA’s new CEO and Director of Aviation Safety (DAS) Pip Spence has a long history of observing and cooperating with the aviation sector. She...
Radio work: are you being heard?
An understanding of your audience and following correct radio rules will give you the best chance of being heard
‘You’re the voice, try and understand...
Outback tips – wisdom from the bush
What could possibly go wrong when a hobby pilot flies into the Outback after lockdown? Yes, many things! So here’s some great advice from...
Moment of truth
Years before becoming Roulette Seven, the non-flying member of the aerobatic team, Aimee Heal faced a serious incident with only a small number of...
Action, reaction and judgment: the rites of Spring
If you haven’t been flying much over Winter, here are some tips to avoid an embarrassing landing, particularly loss of directional control on the...
The gust lock at Osnabrück
When German investigators analysed what appeared to be a straightforward error by a first officer, they discovered a web of human, organisational and mechanical...
The lost boys
The deaths of a low-hours pilot and his passenger in a wilderness less than 90 km from Bankstown Airport involved much more than youthful misadventure
What Donny taught me about drones
Pilots’ core skills are transferrable across the entire sector of aviation
Many years ago, I was sent on a helicopter flight for an article about...
Slipping through the net
This VFR-into-IMC accident, like many others, was the Swiss cheese variety, with multiple factors lining up to produce a familiar result
Ten years ago, I...
The deadly EPR
John Laming on the dangers of incorrect instrument readings during take-off
Your first instructor may have told you to keep an eye on the engine...
All wingspans, great and small
Over three decades Matt Bouttell has viewed aviation from the maintenance hangar, the dispatch office, the regulator’s ‘ivory tower’ and the cockpit. What struck...
Turning and burning
A helicopter that pitched over on the roof of a skyscraper, killing 5 people, had been subject to stresses caused by the cost-cutting practice...
I do declare – the emergency mindset
Once realising you are in an emergency condition, it’s easier to focus on decisions that help you safely land
I learnt a lot about flying...
The stealthy assassin
An insidious enemy that brought down a tourist seaplane on New Year’s Eve 2017 lurks in every piston-engine aircraft
The operator was a well-regarded organisation...
Long COVID: the stress of unending crisis
The psychological effects of global aviation’s unprecedented shutdown are emerging, as are strategies for dealing with them
There are contrails again in skies that went...
Daydream believer
The good old bad old days
Dreaming and doing are not as different as they seem: the link is mental practice
by Robert L Cassidy
Would you...
Cloud of uncertainty
By Robert Wilson
The enduring lesson from this 90-year-old tragedy is most unsettling
‘O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
Consider Phlebas, who...
High stakes: safety in private spaceflight
Commercial space launches require a high-level commitment to safe operations, in every sense
By Robert Wilson
Counting down again
For once the journalistic cliché is accurate –...
Forewarned is forearmed
Reconnaissance means different things to different sectors but the aim is the same – the reduction of risk
By Angela Stevenson
Tactical reconnaissance is primarily...
The Merlin’s apprentice
On a dark night, a pilot begins an unnecessary fight with the helicopter’s autopilot, and loses
By Brendan Reinhardt
In the Disney film Fantasia, Mickey...
VFR and visible
A relatively inexpensive unit will help VFR pilots to ‘be seen and avoid’
By Kreisha Ballantyne
Aviate, navigate, communicate. Power plus attitude equals performance. See, be...
Total recall
If not for an experienced engineer’s long and detailed memory, a serious in-flight incident might have remained a mystery
By Robert Wilson
It’s something not meant...
Quantifying the go-around
Go-arounds should be a routine exercise for pilots, but getting them right needs practice
By Thomas P Turner
When do you fly a go-around? If you’re...
Jumping in the deep end
The pilot was overloaded and inexperienced – but this tragedy was also an organisational failure by the operator
By Nick Stobie
It’s a shocking sight –...
Legends of the stall
Simulators are changing to test pilots in more extreme situations
By Ross Peake
The flight crew went to their deaths not quite knowing what was happening,...
Painting up a storm
John Laming on weather radar and its modern low-cost imitator, the electronic flight bag (EFB)
Number 34 Squadron at Canberra operated two Convair 440 Metropolitan...
Ghosts in the machine
Accident investigation has embraced the digital age with cameras, phones and tracking systems as witnesses
A seaplane carrying tourists dives into a narrow bay, a...
An alpine tragedy
The report into the crash of a historic aircraft in Switzerland in 2018 tells the story of an operator where safety standards drifted. It...
Midnight special
A sudden, strong and uncommanded pitch up immediately after take-off could have destroyed this airliner. Airmanship, teamwork and expertise stopped that from happening.
Down-to-earth wisdom
An airline captain makes a coronavirus career change to drones and discovers his
training in human factors and non-technical skills is just as valuable on...
Passengers behaving badly
What causes some passengers to behave badly and what is the flow-on effect for aviation safety?
By Pamela Tomlinson
We’ve all heard about them and some...
Getting ready to go remote
Planning a flight into a remote area this summer? Proceed with caution, lots of planning and with enough equipment to survive any misadventure.
By Nick...
Summer accommodation
When flying in summer, be extra cautious about calculating density altitude and keeping well away from storms
By Thomas P Turner
I fly out of 3600-foot...
Confidence interval
We take a look at how pilots can maintain their professionalism while grounded during the pandemic
By Kreisha Ballantyne
While this year has certainly been the...
Waking up grumpy
When it’s time to fly again, make sure your aircraft doesn’t become part of this year’s aviation nightmare
By Robert Wilson
As if air transport didn’t...
Drone registration and operator accreditation
With more drones in Australian skies, mandatory drone registration and operator accreditation are on the way to help make flying safer and more enjoyable...
Engineering reality
Margo Marchbank examines how virtual reality technology can help in the workshop
A giant turbofan engine hangs suspended in space, seemingly defying the laws...
Qantas: the safety story
Over its 100 years Qantas has acquired an enviable reputation for safe operation. It has not lost an aircraft since 1960 and not had...
The very best intentions
Avro Lincoln, Mk 31, A73-64
Mt Superbus, Qld
4.14 am, 9 April 1955
A sick baby, a tired crew, a mountain waiting in the mist
Ten years of...
Soft failures, hard landings
Flight test reports tell eloquently of the new capabilities—and new challenges—electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft will bring
Whether manned or unmanned, electric vertical take-off...
Flight in marginal weather
Scud running implies an intentionally hazardous flirtation with visual flight in near (or actual) instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), a clear no-go. But what of...
The old man and the sea
The experienced captain made an inexplicable decision to embark on a long overwater flight with a sick engine.
About lunchtime, the young first officer found...
The heat is on
As we approach summer, it is time to consider the effect heat has on helicopter performance.
The 80s song ‘The Heat Is On’ was...
Pilot attitudes: finding balance in the force(s)
Can the so-called ‘hazardous pilot attitudes’ be managed to make flying safer?
CASA does not make specific reference to what might be considered ‘hazardous pilot...
Intersection of factors
A runway incursion at Perth Airport reveals how easily the delicate equilibrium of forces, factors and fallibility behind safe operations can be upset
It’s no...
A new start
The story of a warbird’s starter motor replacement illustrates the challenges and subtleties of keeping vintage aircraft safely in service.
In the northern Riverina of...
Send in the clowns: when not to fly
How do you judge when it’s better to stay on the ground?
Of all the aviation clichés in the world, my very favourite is, ‘It’s...
Whatever next? Crisis becomes normal
The aviation industry has undergone a tectonic shift during the pandemic and flight crews are seeing their careers abruptly on hold. In what form...
Russian roulette
A harmless but disturbing incident highlights how complex systems and procedures can be vulnerable to the effects of misunderstanding and miscommunication.
The worst thing that...
In the bleak midwinter
Monarch Airlines flight OB301
Piper PA31-350 Navajo Chieftain
Young, NSW
Friday 11 June 1993
The destruction of a regional airliner 27 years ago revealed widespread shortcomings at the...
Reality bites
Situational awareness, distraction and landing fixation are the themes of three chilling anecdotes. We are all human, so ask yourself: ’would I have done...
Virtual reality in cabin crew training
By Patricia Green
The truth that dares not speak its name in airline travel is that the polite, well-groomed and urbane person serving your food...
Speedy surveys—faster and safer
Amy Steiger isn’t your typical drone operator.
By Dragica Barac
She says she fell into the role through a career development scholarship and good timing.
Working for...
Dimness by daylight
The cockpit modifications required for using night-vision goggles can lead to misreading of important warning lights.
By Brendan Reinhardt
The helicopter pilot settles into cruise on...
The art of organisation
Kreisha Ballantyne makes no secret of the fact that she was an ill-equipped student pilot.
Having no pilots in my family, no technical or mechanical...
How old is too old?
Kreisha Ballantyne looks at the factors facing older pilots when learning to fly.
As the population of the developed world experiences longer life expectancy, the...
In command: Doing things right
Much of what you read in articles about flying safely revolve around aircraft crashes. We most assuredly must learn the lessons those who have...
Missing the message
How do you find the vital pre-flight information you need when it’s buried deep in a stream of NOTAMs? This frustration, felt by pilots...
Making excellence possible: the role of safety culture
Like air itself, culture surrounds aviation. But while you need to wait for good weather, you can create a safe culture
Was it just a...
An ill wind: COVID-19 and aviation
Full-stop landing
Suddenly everything stopped. There have never been months like March and April 2020 in the history of aviation. Previous world crises such as...
SMS: help or headache?
Many operators in the aviation sector regard the concept of a safety management system (SMS) as just one more headache for their company, another...
Battling your inner demons
Managing mental health issues in aviation is challenging, for pilots and managers
By Adrian Park
As professionals we have plans and systems for pretty much everything,...
Death in the afternoon
The story of Australia’s first civilian turboprop crash shows how much investigation and analysis have evolved since the 1950s
By Robert Wilson
Three o’clock is either...
Pick a number: big data, artificial intelligence and aviation
Making sense of the next step change in safety
By Robert Wilson
Airline transport faces an enviable problem: how does it improve an already impressive safety...
Pay attention—to save yourself
What does it take to stop a passenger reading their newspaper or talking so they can listen to the pre-flight safety briefing?
By Patricia Green
Every which way but loose
The inherent instability of a helicopter means even an IFR-rated pilot may get into trouble in cloud
By Brendan Reinhardt
A typical accident report for...
Bird on the runway
Managing the ‘unmanageable’
By Margo Marchbank
You’re flying a regular public transport (RPT) aircraft on final approach to a major Australian metropolitan airport when ATC...
Managing the risks of workplace fatigue
By Nick Stobie
Line Pilot, Royal Flying Doctor Service Western Operations
I’ve had the pleasure of flying for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Western Operations...
Rudder, ailerons, stalls and spins
By Thomas P. Turner
To recover from a stall, your instinct is to use ailerons to raise a dropped wing. But this could result in...
Safety in numbers
By Kreisha Ballantyne
Joining an air safari will improve your skills—and the journey will be fun
In October 2008, when I was a then-GFPT student...
A whole new bag of tricks
Over the last decade, electronic flight bags have revolutionised general aviation flight planning and put valuable safety features into the cockpits of light aircraft....
Plain speaking in the cockpit
A series of incidents at flying schools prompted a study into improving the dynamics between instructors and students.
The workload is high when you are...
Standing up for safety
You’ll find them most weeknights, on their feet, in theatres, clubs or hangars, spreading safety messages that could save your life. Flight Safety Australia...
One fell swoop: the Canberra Hudson disaster
With the help of a historian who researched the subject over four decades, and a former politician turned award-winning writer, Flight Safety Australia re-examines...
Too tired to back off
By Adrian Park
A captain overwhelmed by lack of sleep loses control of his aircraft
On a late August afternoon in 1993, an approach to Runway...
The biggest myth in general aviation
By Nick Stobie
Maintenance releases are a seemingly simple document, but does an endorsed defect automatically ground an aircraft?
The underlying principle behind the maintenance release...
Checklists: why and how
By Thomas P. Turner
We’re taught we should use checklists, but do we know why and how to use them?
Air crash investigations frequently cite...
Safety thirst
By Alwyn Brice
Is there a failsafe way to instil the subject of safety into your workforce?
Over the last two decades of editing industry...
Unclear and present danger
In this incident, ATC miscommunication and broader organisational factors almost led to the loss of 353 lives.
By Margo Marchbank
On 16 December 2016, EVA...
Crash of cultures: the challenge for aerial mustering
A look inside the hazard-rich world of mustering from the air reveals safety is improving.
Chasing animals with helicopters, aeroplanes or gyrocopters is a distinctively...
The cloud spotter’s guide to safety
By Kreisha Ballantyne
How do you tell clouds apart and, more importantly, which ones are dangerous?
For pilots, clouds are more than a natural wonder—they also...
Drones—what’s next?
It is the year 2030 at a busy coastal international airport. From the top of the terminal building, commuter drones taxi incoming passengers to...
Minutes to midnight
Behind what appeared to be an open-and-shut case of human error was a set trap of human and technical factors that was ready to...
Just a little bit over
by Nick Stobie
Almost all Australians are familiar with the Transport Accident Commission’s campaigns against drink driving. They’re prolific, confronting and by many metrics very...
Any one of us
by Thomas P. Turner
I was in the right front seat of a Cessna twin en route from Cowra to Archerfield airport near Brisbane. After...
Polar opposites
Adrian Park looks at West Air Sweden flight 294, on 8 January 2016
The rapid and total destruction of a night freight jet is a...
Reprise: Night of the Comet
The first edition of Aviation Safety Digest in 1953 reported on the runway overrun of a de Havilland Comet 1 in Rome, the previous...
Pushing the boundaries
by Brendan Reinhardt
A new mental model of pilot-induced oscillation brings insights that might help you stop it happening to you.
A hard-working pilot drives home...
Knowledge is power—how understanding IFR can benefit a VFR pilot
by Kreisha Ballantyne
In the late 19th century, a Polish ophthalmologist named L. L. Zamenhof created a universal second language called Esperanto. His goal was...
Matt Hall: Skill is not enough
The virtuoso pilot says natural talent or even thousands of hours are no substitute for knowledge, practice and discipline
If aviation were music, Matt Hall...
What goes around
Flight Safety Australia looked at helicopter maintenance in this 2011 feature. The safety fundamentals are unchanged but the prices quoted in the story...
Situation deadly, but not serious
Saudia Flight 163
19 August 1980, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Lockheed L-1011 Tristar
In-flight fire followed by successful landing
Passengers: 287
Crew: 14
Take-off accident—DH Comet at Rome
Excerpt from the original Aviation Safety Digest Number 1, 1953
Take-off accident—DH Comet at Rome on 26th October, 1952 (Accident No 7009)
While taking off from...
When pigs fly: manners, airmanship and safety
‘You can take a pig and teach it to fly, but it will still be a pig.’
This golden comment, uttered to me by a...
Cabin crew: We’re human too
Cabin crew contributor Patricia Green points out that human factors and crew resource management are concepts that extend well beyond the flight deck
Human factors...
Flight Safety Australia: back in print
Pilots, maintainers, engineers, ATCs and cabin crew have told us how nothing matches the ‘tea room factor’ of our renowned print edition – so...
Gravity’s judgement
The Clutha Pub, 169 Stockwell Street, Glasgow, Scotland
29 November 2013
For a helicopter pilot there are many bad situations, but this would have to be...
Resourceful United crew set example of airmanship
Today is the thirtieth anniversary of a crash that demonstrated beyond all doubt that crew resource management (CRM) is a lifesaving concept.
On July 19,...
Safety in Numbers
Kreisha Ballantyne interviews formation team The Stooges to discover how specialist training can enhance flight safety
Formation flying, along with aerobatics, is one of the...
Advanced training makes pilots better and safer
Contributor Paul Southwick advocates for a safe and enjoyable way to extend your left-seat skills and judgement
Pilot safety is never an absolute. The best...
Apron strings
A safer ramp isn’t the stuff of fiction, reckons Alwyn Brice, but there is still a long way to go.
When Nick Careen, IATA’s Vice...
Yaw in trouble: yaw control emergencies
If your helicopter starts spinning you will need to analyse, decide and act-quickly, Brendan Reinhardt writes.
Even in the simulator a fully developed yaw control...
The strangely sleepy triumph of Alcock and Brown
Exactly 100 years ago tomorrow two pioneers became the first people to experience an aviation-related malady that has since affected millions and remains a...
Never trust a pilot who has gravy on their shirt
by Kreisha Ballantyne
Many years ago, when I was a student pilot, I planned to rent an aircraft with a friend, a licensed ATPL, in...
Group captain
The pilot of Qantas flight 32 on the importance of teamwork in aviation
Richard de Crespigny never achieved his youthful ambition to be a...
Enthusiasm for a cause
by Nicholas Stobie
It’s a common trait amongst pilots. That beaming look on our faces when anyone starts talking about aircraft. It might fade a...
At the sharp end
In a matter of seconds, with incomplete information, a flight crew has to make a life-or-death decision
Ameristar flight 9363, Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA, 8 March...
SARTIMES and SARWATCHES–the cost of forgetting to cancel
Did you know that in 2018, over 30% of inadvertent search and rescue incidents were caused by a failure to cancel SARTIMEs and failure...
On any take-off
by Thomas P. Turner
Pilots justify the cost and complexity of twin-engine aeroplanes for many reasons—payload, speed and cabin size among them. But the primary...
It’s all in the mind!
Is to fly well to be mindful? *
Kreisha Ballantyne explores whether there’s a place for the ancient art of mindfulness in today’s aviation culture.
From the hangar to the runway
American Airlines flight 191, Chicago, 25 May 1979
Adrian Park analyses the deep roots of a disaster that happened forty years ago next month
I don’t...
Australian search and rescue awards
Do you know a person, group or organisation in the aviation industry who should be recognised for their efforts? Do you know someone who’s...
Why safety systems are vital
by Kreisha Ballantyne
I have a friend, a pilot with much more experience than I, who once shared some valuable advice after sitting in the...
The dollar drain—the reality of ground damage
The recurring nightmare that is ground damage doesn’t disappear when day dawns. But is anything being done to mitigate its effects? Alwyn Brice, who...
Human factors and the helicopter
US journalist Harry Reasoner was renowned for his way with words. Two paragraphs he wrote on helicopters in 1973 have hovered for many years...
In-cabin baggage—the story so far
Sue Rice has worked in the aviation industry for 43 years and was operational cabin crew for 24 years. She has represented Australia at...
Revised resource kit on human factors reinforces safety culture
‘It’s a highlight of my career to be with the people at CASA to launch their new Human factors for pilots’ kit. It’s a...
Your one and only: mitigating the risk of engine failure in...
by Nicholas Stobie
Every pilot flying twins remembers the mantra driven into them during their initial training: Maintain Control, Mixture Up, Pitch Up, Power Up,...
Graveyard Crash
The mission description in the accident investigation is delivered in the sterile prose so typical of the military … except for the last word:
Change in the air for drones
CASA is reviewing how it manages remotely piloted aircraft systems as the sector evolves and grows
When Flight Safety Australia first discussed drones, the story...
The (Flight) Path Less Travelled
Have you ever wondered whether, if you had your chance to learn to fly all over again, you’d do it differently? Whether the benefit...
Aviation lessons from a rock ‘n’ roll tragedy
The music of Buddy Holly is everlasting, and so, unfortunately, is the type of aircraft crash that killed him.
Sixty years ago, on 3 February...
Where are all the Women?
by Kreisha Ballantyne
A father and son are driving along the motorway when they have a head-on collision with another vehicle. The father is killed...
Cracking the code: Aviation English
Analysis of the English used by aircrews and controllers shows that it is in some ways a separate language to that spoken on the...
The Last Day
MacRobertson Miller Airlines flight 1750, 31 December 1968
Much has changed over the 50 years since this crash, but the cultural factors behind it remain...
Big trip weather planning
Kreisha Ballantyne takes a look at big-trip planning, with a focus on weather resources.
The time is approaching: the endless rain has finally ceased and...
Summer’s seen—and sometimes unseen—hazards
Summertime flying is usually quite attractive, but it brings a number of considerations for pilots. Several are mentioned frequently enough that pilots know about...
Weather to fly: the Top End
Northern Australia is a tempting yet tough environment for aviation, where a scattered population depends on aircraft in the way the people in the...
LTE: the cliff edge
Brendan Reinhardt looks at why every helicopter pilot needs to be wary of loss of tail rotor effectiveness (LTE)
In aviation warning is a...
Be seen and be safer
A low-cost ADS-B system for VFR aircraft has the potential to reduce the ever-present threat of mid-air collision
It’s long been recognised that there...
One thing at a time: a brief history of the checklist
The pilot was known as extremely capable and meticulous, and ‘an officer and gentleman of truly great distinction’. At age 41, he was chief...
A Fine Balance
Kreisha Ballantyne looks at how to balance life and aviation
I was at the peak of my career, being paid to fly high-performance single-engine aircraft...
Blocks and a chain in the sky
The technology behind the cryptocurrency bitcoin is being touted as the solution for managing safety-critical information in aviation. Can this idea fly?
Open any information...
Hazards of the cabin
It’s where most injuries in commercial air transport happen, so cabin safety needs to be taken seriously, contributor Sue Rice writes.
Just consider for a...
Bouncing, not breaking: resilience as the foundation of safety
An engine explodes, peppering the wings and fuselage of a wide-body airliner with turbine fragments propelled out of its core at Mach 2.6. Some...
Growth without discomfort
How do you build your skills as a pilot without putting yourself and others at unnecessary risk? First accept your limits and then train...
Seeing red: putting a stop to runway incursions
Red is a powerful colour. Over the centuries it has been associated with good fortune, passion, violence, defiance, political ideology—and danger.
The colour red is...
Culture and the clock
Adrian Park reflects on the deep roots of a charter flight tragedy
When I was a 23-year-old helicopter pilot in the military, with freshly pressed...
Take it personally
‘A man who knows himself can step outside himself and watch his own reactions like an observer.’ Adam Smith
How well do you know yourself?...
What drone is right for you?
Thinking of getting into droning? Wouldn’t mind spending some time flying an aircraft remotely? Is it as fun as it looks? What’s the best...
Evolution and opportunity
CASA is overhauling its regulations governing maintenance of aircraft engaged in private and aerial work operations.
Any renovator, whether of a house, car or aircraft...
More than a ‘noisy tape measure’
Remotely piloted aircraft systems are adding speed and accuracy to aircraft accident investigation
Use the words ‘drone’, ‘accident’ and ‘investigation’ in the same sentence and...
Can you stall a helicopter?
Contributor Brendan Reinhardt begins a series on what crews need to know about the distinctive aerodynamics of helicopters. For a start, they stall when flown at...
Introducing Mayday Fuel
Aviation English has borrowed from the French two important terms—Mayday, from venez m'aider, meaning ‘come and help me’, and Pan Pan (from panne, meaning a breakdown).
The brace position: what passengers need to know
It seems absurd that something as simple as changing your sitting posture in a vehicle travelling at up to 1200 km/h groundspeed could make...
Richard Collins: Setting the Standard
Contributor Thomas P. Turner reviews the career of a pilot and writer whose words influenced generations of aviation enthusiasts
Richard L. Collins changed the face and style...