Avalon 2025 takes off today


The Southern Hemisphere’s biggest airshow showcases the best of aviation, technology and aeronautical displays.

The wait is over – Avalon 2025 kicks off today, bringing together aviation professionals, enthusiasts and industry leaders for one of the biggest events on the aviation calendar.

From thrilling aerobatic displays to cutting-edge technology showcases, the airshow promises something for everyone.

‘Two years have just flown by and it’s hard to believe Avalon is already here again,’ says Andreas Marcelja, Executive Manager, Stakeholder Engagement.

‘The event brings together a diverse range of people in aviation and provides a great opportunity to connect with everyone, from airlines and commercial operators to recreational pilots.’

With the event set to begin, CASA’s subject matter experts – including aviation safety advisors – will be on hand at the CASA stand to engage with industry members.

‘It’s important for us to be available to interact with the aviation community,’ Andreas adds.

‘Avalon gives us a unique opportunity to engage with a broad spectrum of industry professionals.’

What’s happening at the CASA stand?

Visitors to the CASA stand in Hall 4 can look forward to:

  • Industry resources – a selection of industry and pilot guides, plain English guides and key personnel guides to take home.
  • Wings Awards presentation – a chance to celebrate the winners of the Australian Flying/CASA Wings Awards in person.
  • An updated stand – featuring 6 pallets of educational materials and 2,000 showbags packed for aviation enthusiasts of all ages.

Launching new safety initiatives

CASA will also be launching 2 new safety initiatives at Avalon 2025.

The Aviation safety pledge encourages pilots and organisations to commit to actions that enhance aviation safety, fostering a sense of personal and shared responsibility.

Visitors to the CASA stand can sign up individually or on behalf of an organisation, receiving a pledge sticker and digital badge as a symbol of their commitment.

While ‘Pack Right. Safe Flight’ is a new dangerous goods campaign and is designed to educate the travelling public about safe packing and the risks associated with carrying dangerous goods.

A new website helps inform passengers with clear, consistent safety information while raising awareness through targeted, accessible, consistent and frequent communication – from booking to boarding.

Find out more about CASA’s involvement at this year’s Avalon Airshow.


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