We have developed Stay OnTrack: Flying the Townsville & Cairns regions to help pilots safely navigate these busy areas.
The guide has information about avoiding restricted airspace and runway incursions, and about airspace infringement hotspots, arrival and departure procedures, radio procedures and helicopter operations. It shows the inbound and outbound reporting points and VFR lanes.
It also contains charts showing airspace infringement hotspots as well as maps of the runways and apron areas. And there are sample radio calls to guide you through airways and taxi clearances, with the relevant frequencies listed.
This publication adds to the other guides – for the Perth, Gold Coast, Adelaide, Darwin, Brisbane and Melbourne regions – available from the CASA online store.
This is a bumper issue, covering 2 Class C airports and including information about other smaller airports in the region.
Pilots flying into Cairns will find information about the numerous helicopter and fixed-wing scenic flights over the Great Barrier Reef, where the traffic flow is generally anticlockwise. Birds and bats present a hazard at the airport at various times of the year. Procedures at the nearby airports of Mareeba and Atherton are also included.
At Townsville, pilots need to be aware of a wide variety of civil and military aviation users, including medical transport, helicopter and regular public transport operations, scenic tours and military fast jets. Information is also given about the nearby airports of Bluewater Park, Donnington Park and Starke Field.
The guide contains recent photographs of commonly used features for VFR navigation, such as Stoney Creek, Green Hill and Mount Gorton near Cairns, and Thorton Gap and Sun Zinc refinery near Townsville.
Queensland-based Aviation Safety Advisor Rob Whittle says the booklet provides very useful information about aerodromes and airspace in the region.
‘We encourage pilots to make the guide a part of their preflight planning,’ he says. ‘However, before flying to or around Cairns or Townsville, make sure you are familiar with the controlled and restricted airspace boundaries and altitudes, as shown on the VTC and VNC. Pilots are also reminded to thoroughly check all relevant NOTAMs and also to contact local flying schools and/or air traffic control for advice.
‘Pilots who are issued an instruction or a clearance they are unfamiliar with or become uncertain of their position or are unable to maintain their cleared tracking or altitude for any reason, are to contact ATC immediately. Pilots can also use the phrase “unfamiliar” to alert ATC.’
The Bureau of Meteorology warns that thunderstorms can occur at any time of the year in the region but are most common from October to April.
Stay OnTrack: Flying the Townsville & Cairns regions is available – along with the Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Perth, Darwin and Melbourne guides – in print from the CASA online store for $2.95 or download for free from the CASA website.