Maintenance quiz

Engineer working on a Cessna 172M engine | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
Engineer working on a Cessna 172M engine | Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1 Corrosion found mainly in extruded sections of an airframe is called:

  1. exfoliation
  2. galvanic
  3. intergranular
  4. pitting

2 When running a piston engine lean of peak, the engine will not be damaged because:

  1. fuel consumption is high
  2. a lower power is being produced
  3. the cylinder head temperatures are high
  4. RPM is high

3 VHF communication:

  1. requires signals to bounce off the stratosphere
  2. requires line-of-sight signals
  3. requires signals to bounce of the tropopause
  4. is hindered by high-altitude flight

4 FAA AC43.13-1B is considered ‘approved data’ for the purposes of:

  1. repairing and modifying Australian aircraft
  2. repairing Australian aircraft providing it is listed in the logbook entry
  3. repairing Australian aircraft providing it is listed in the logbook statement
  4. repairing non-pressurised Australian aircraft only

5 In Australia, single-engine aircraft:

  1. must have their weight validated every 3 years
  2. must be reweighed every 3 years
  3. do not ever require reweighing
  4. do not require periodic reweighing

6 In a turbo-charged piston engine at start up and low power, the wastegate is:

  1. closed to port exhaust gas through the impeller
  2. open to port exhaust gas through the impeller
  3. closed because the engine doesn’t require high manifold pressure
  4. half open because the engine doesn’t require high manifold pressure

7 In Australia, supplemental oxygen is:

  1. required by regulation above 10,000 feet
  2. required by regulation above 12,500 feet
  3. not required by regulation
  4. at the discretion of the pilot

8 At maximum cruising altitude in a turbo-normalised engine, at full throttle, the manifold pressure will:

  1. be higher than sea-level manifold pressure
  2. be sea-level manifold pressure
  3. be lower than sea-level manifold pressure
  4. vary

9 For an Australian aircraft that travels outside Australia:

  1. a fireproof identification plate is not required if the manufacturer’s plate is installed
  2. a fireproof identification plate is no longer required
  3. the registration is required on both sides of the aft fuselage/tail but not under the left wing
  4. the registration is required on both sides of the aft fuselage/tail and under the left wing

10 In a piston-engine aircraft with an engine management system during a magneto check, when the magneto switch is moved from both to right or left, the following is observed:

  1. RPM increases and EGT increases
  2. RPM decreases and EGT decreases
  3. RPM decreases and EGT increases
  4. RPM increases and EGT decreases

11 In a large aircraft hydraulic system, hydraulic fuses:

  1. sense a drop in pressure and close to prevent fluid loss
  2. detect low fluid flow and close to prevent fluid loss
  3. are used only in the brake system
  4. are used only in the primary hydraulic system

12 In a light turbo-prop engine with a constant torque, as the compressor becomes dirty:

  1. both the FF and the Ng will decrease
  2. both the ITT and the fuel flow will decrease
  3. both the ITT and Ng will decrease
  4. the ITT, FF and Ng will increase

13 In a helicopter autorotational landing, the pilot:

  1. glides the helicopter to a chosen landing point
  2. reduces collective control to maintain rotor RPM
  3. decreases collective pitch on the blades before touchdown
  4. does not use the tail rotor torque pedals at any stage

14 In a turbo-charged piston engine, why do some manufacturers recommend running the engine at low RPM after landing for 2–5 minutes before shutdown?

  1. to allow the oil temperature in the turbocharger to cool sufficiently and stop coking
  2. to allow the engine oil to cool sufficiently
  3. to allow the turbocharger mass to cool sufficiently
  4. to allow the exhaust system to cool sufficiently

15 ‘Critical mach’ speed occurs when a shockwave forms on a curved surface while in flight: 

  1. This is the fastest speed the aircraft can fly in cruise.
  2. Controllability problems will occur if this speed is exceeded.
  3. This speed can be exceeded in cruising flight.
  4. The speed of the air in front of the shockwave is subsonic.



  1. (c)

2. (b)

3. (b)

4. (c)

5. (d)

6. (a)

7. (a)

8. (b)

9. (d)

10. (c)

11. (a)

12. (d)

13. (b)

14. (a)

15. (c)


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