Ballina: be heard, be seen, be safe

Radio calls will be required within 10 nm of Ballina. image: Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Flying in and out of Ballina, on the NSW north coast, will be changing from Thursday 5 December 2019.

Due to the increase in air traffic in the area, all aircraft flying between the surface and 8500 feet within 10 nautical miles will be required to make radio calls.

Non-controlled aerodromes in non-controlled airspace, known as ‘Class G airspace’, can experience a high volume of traffic with a wide variety of aircraft operating in and around them, and this can present challenges for pilots.

This change is to improve the situational awareness of pilots flying in and out of Ballina.

The common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) at Ballina, Lismore, Casino and Evans Head will remain unchanged (124.2 MHz).

This information has been updated via notam for Ballina and a supplement for the aeronautical information package (AIP). Chart updates will occur in May next year. You can also view the instrument on the Federal Register of Legislation.

While this change is being implemented to improve pilot situational awareness, it is important to still maintain a good visual look out for other aircraft in case they are not aware of the requirement to use their radio.

Learn more about operating in non-controlled airspace in a Flight Safety Australia  story published earlier this year.

If you are unsure what radio calls to use in uncontrolled airspace, go to CASA’s operations and non-controlled aerodromes webpage and download our Be heard, be seen, be safe – radio procedures in non-controlled airspace booklet.


  1. With that many Airports and Aircraft all on the same frequency , good luck getting your calls in , too bad if it’s urgent .
    Why can’t GPS guided lanes be built for each of these places .

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