Online focus on wet season safety


Aviation in northern Australia is a tale of two  seasons; the dry  season, in which conditions are relatively straightforward, and the wet season, which adds a distinct set of operational challenges.

A seminar on wet season aviation decision making in Darwin this Wednesday 24 October is fully booked but a shortened version will be available live on CASA’s YouTube channel the next day.

CASA aviation safety advisor Tim Penney says, ‘This is a great opportunity for all those top end pilots from Broome to Cairns to tune in and watch an abridged version of our previous night’s seminar and the audience will still have the opportunity to ask us questions and we can answer them live.’

‘We believe this is a really important aviation safety message for those who already fly or are considering a future aviation career in the top end of Australia and we’ll be working with the Sydney production and the social media teams to deliver a world-class live event with our subject matter experts.’

The seminar is available online this Thursday, 25 October at 7pm AEDT – (6.30pm – South Australia – 6pm Queensland – 5:30pm Northern Territory – 4pm Western Australia).

You can watch for free, but you’ll need a Google account (also free) if you would like to make a comment or ask a question.






  1. Can you please make a powerpoint available for distribution rather than a video on UTube please. It’s not a good media for you to get information through to us.

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