Flying operations quiz – Summer 2024–25

image: Adobe stock | Chalabala
  1. What instruments are mandatory for day VFR flight?
    1. indicated airspeed; pressure altitude; magnetic heading; time
    2. indicated airspeed; pressure altitude; turn and slip; time
    3. indicated airspeed; pressure altitude; magnetic heading; OAT gauge
    4. indicated airspeed; vertical speed indicator; magnetic heading; time
  2. For take-off on runway 30, with wind 330/20, what are the headwind and crosswind components?
    1. crosswind 5 kts, headwind 15 kts
    2. crosswind 10 kts, headwind 10 kts
    3. crosswind 10 kts, headwind 17 kts
    4. crosswind 5 kts, headwind 13 kts
  3. Which of the following broadcasts are not mandatory when operating in a mandatory broadcast area (MBA)?
    1. joining the circuit
    2. taxi
    3. turning base
    4. before entering the runway
  4. If the ETA at the destination falls within the forecast periods of that aerodrome’s TAF, which of the following would always require you to nominate an alternate?
    1. TEMPO
    2. INTER
    3. nimbostratus cloud
    4. 30% PROB thunderstorm
  5. When navigating by visual reference to the ground, you must positively fix the aircraft’s position by visual reference to features marked on a chart at intervals not exceeding:
    1. 15 minutes
    2. 30 minutes
    3. 60 minutes
    4. 120 minutes
  6. You must not commence a take-off at a non-controlled aerodrome until a preceding departing aircraft using the same runway has:
    1. crossed the upwind end of the runway
    2. become airborne
    3. reached a point 1,000 m beyond your take-off point
    4. turned onto crosswind
  7. For a flight more than 50 nm from your departure, what documents must you carry?
    1. medical, licence, flight manual, maintenance release
    2. medical, licence, photo ID, maintenance release
    3. medical, licence, maintenance release
    4. medical, licence, photo ID, flight manual
  8. When an aircraft is being fuelled, what distance from that aircraft must a person not create a fire hazard?
    1. 10 metres
    2. 15 metres
    3. 20 metres
    4. 50 metres
  9. A private day flight is planned over a distance of 325 nm at a ground speed of 115 kts. Planned fuel flow is 40 l/hr. Final reserve is 16 litres and taxi fuel is 4 litres. The minimum fuel required at start up for this flight is closest to:
    1. 143 litres
    2. 115 litres
    3. 156 litres
    4. 135 litres
  10. A red flashing light directed at an aircraft on the ground indicates the aircraft should:
    1. taxi clear of the landing area
    2. return to the parking area along a taxiway
    3. stop and hold position
    4. change radio frequency and attempt to establish contact – do not take-off
  11. You must submit a flight plan for:
    1. flights travelling more than 50 nm from departure
    2. flight into Class C or D airspace
    3. flight in Class E airspace
    4. flights above 5,000 ft AMSL
  12. Before flight, a study must be made of the authorised weather forecasts for the:
    1. route, departure and planned destination
    2. route, planned destination and any alternates
    3. route, departure, planned destination and any alternates
    4. route and planned destination
  13. An aerodrome frequency response unit (AFRU) will transmit a voice identification of the aerodrome after:
    1. 2 microphone clicks within 5 seconds
    2. 2 microphone clicks within 10 seconds
    3. 3 microphone clicks within 5 seconds
    4. 3 microphone clicks within 15 seconds
  14. When operating in a lane of entry, pilots must:
    1. keep to the right
    2. keep to the left
    3. fly along the centre of the lane
    4. pass other traffic on the left
  15. Given an elevation of 1,500 ft, a QNH of 1028 hPa and an air temperature of 35 deg C, the density height will be closest to:
    1. 4,800 ft
    2. 3,700 ft
    3. 2,200 ft
    4. 4,300 ft

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