Selected Australian accidents and incidents 1 October to 19 December 2023

Cirrus SR22 near Gundaroo, NSW, 6 October 2023. Image: ATSB

1 October

  • Aircraft: powered paraglider
  • Location: Mypolonga, SA
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Engine reported to have failed and aircraft seen
    in spiral dive before hitting ground. Pilot suffered pelvic and
    leg injuries.

6 October

  • Aircraft: Cirrus SR22
  • Location: Near Gundaroo, NSW
  • Fatalities: 4
  • Description: Aircraft entered rapid descent about 12 minutes after take-off from Canberra and crashed, killing all onboard.

8 October

  • Aircraft: Cessna 172N Skyhawk
  • Location: Near Merriton, SA
  • Fatalities: 2
  • Description: Aircraft struck powerline on approach and crashed.

13 October

  • Aircraft: Robinson R22
  • Location: Western Sydney, NSW
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Instructor and student heard bang during forced landing practice 12 nm west of Bankstown Airport. Helicopter did not respond to command for more engine power. One person slightly injured in collision with terrain.

19 October

  • Aircraft: Jabiru J160
  • Location: Palgrave, Qld
  • Fatalities: 1
  • Description: Burning wreckage of aircraft discovered in field after apparent incident in cruise flight.

26 October

  • Aircraft: Robinson R66
  • Location: Sea off Hawks Nest, NSW
  • Fatalities: 1
  • Description: Helicopter went missing on overwater leg of flight from Jindabyne, NSW. Wreckage found on 28 October. Bodies of pilot and dog passenger missing.

28 October

  • Aircraft: Socata TB20 Trinidad
  • Location: Pioneer Valley, Qld
  • Fatalities: 2
  • Description: Aircraft crashed into wooded mountainous terrain in national park.

4 November

  • Aircraft: Gulfstream 695A Jetprop Commander 1000
  • Location: 38 nm south-east of Cloncurry, Qld
  • Fatalities: 3
  • Description: Survey aircraft made rapid descent from cruising altitude of FL280 and crashed.

5 November

  • Aircraft: Gyrocopter
  • Location: Goulburn Weir, Vic
  • Fatalities: 1
  • Description: Aircraft crashed under unknown circumstances, killing pilot and injuring passenger.

10 November

  • Aircraft: Cessna 421C Golden Eagle II
  • Location: Sea, east of Mooloolaba, Qld
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Crew of aircraft on ferry flight to Pago Pago, American Samoa, reported engine issue and advised return to Sunshine Coast Airport. Aircraft unable to maintain altitude and ditched about 30 nm from coast. Crew of 2 took to life raft and were rescued by helicopter as aircraft sank.

14 November

  • Aircraft: Robinson R22
  • Location: Walhallow Station, NT
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Engine failed during mustering and helicopter crashed soon after. Minor injuries to pilot.

19 November

  • Aircraft: 2 x SIAI-Marchetti S.211
  • Location: Port Phillip Bay, near Mornington, Vic
  • Fatalities: 2
  • Description: Warbird aircraft collided while filming promotional video. One aircraft crashed into sea, killing pilot and camera operator, the other returned to land at Essendon.

24 November

  • Aircraft: SwissDrones SDO 50
  • Location: Near Chinchilla, Qld
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Remotely piloted aircraft became unresponsive to control inputs and crashed, resulting in substantial damage.

7 December

  • Aircraft: Robinson R22
  • Location: Near Mataranka, NT
  • Fatalities: 1
  • Description: Mustering helicopter crashed under unknown circumstances.

12 December

  • Aircraft: Just Highlander
  • Location: Lilydale, NSW
  • Fatalities: 2
  • Description: Light sport STOL aircraft struck power lines, crashed and burned. Pilot had flown B787s.

17 December

  • Aircraft: Jabiru J160-C
  • Location: Wongulla, SA
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Pilot following Murray River at 1000 ft saw flock of pelicans above and to left of flight path. As aircraft drew level, pelicans dived in front of aircraft, one hitting windscreen and smashing it. Pilot made emergency landing in nearby field.

19 December

  • Aircraft: Sling 2
  • Location: Heck Field, Qld
  • Fatalities: 0
  • Description: Aircraft landed long and passed over humped runway intersection, becoming airborne again. Aircraft came down heavily, damaging nose wheel and propeller, before veering right to stop next to runway.

Sources: ATSB, RA-Aus, Flight Safety Foundation


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