Instrument flight rules quiz: Winter 2023

Photo from inside a cockpit of an aircraft approaching a runway
image: Adobe stock | Liam M
  1. Ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) has the advantage of overcoming which limitation of the standard ILS approach?
    1. it can be used by any RNAV/GNSS equipped aircraft
    2. while ILS critical areas require protection from interference, a GBAS landing system (GL) has no localiser scalloping when an aircraft passes in front of the antenna or through the ILS critical protected area
    3. it protects aircraft from altimeter temperature-based errors
    4. only one GBAS frequency is required to be tuned for multiple GLS approaches at the same airport, which prevents aircrew from selecting the wrong frequency for the runway approach
  2. Which of the following equipment is required to conduct a GLS approach?
    1. standard ILS receiver
    2. autopilot and flight director, capable of providing lateral and vertical guidance linked to an LPV capable avionics system
    3. GBAS-capable avionics system
    4. VHF receiver capable of tuning frequencies in the 107.500 to 117.500 MHz band
  3. GBAS, or GLS, is subject to which of the following limitations?
    1. there are no errors, as the position information is corrected and constantly broadcast to aircraft using the precise ground-based location
    2. the effect of disturbances in the ionosphere on the satellite signals can lead to positioning errors and even the interruption of service
    3. rated coverage is 30 nm compared to 50 nm for a LLZ
    4. rated coverage is only applicable within 10 degrees of the approach course
  4. GLS differs from an ILS when tuning an approach into Sydney (YSSY), as it is selected by which method?
    1. selection of a 5-digit channel into a GBAS-capable multimode receiver
    2. selection of a single 5-digit frequency that covers all approaches for the airport, and then specifying the runway required
    3. selection of an APV/LPV approach in the aircraft avionics system
    4. selection of the approach in the same manner as an RNP RNAV approach
  5. Rated coverage of a GLS at YSSY for the conduct of an approach is:
    1. identical to LLZ limitations
    2. no rated coverage limitations, if GPS RAIM is assured
    3. no distance limitation, but aircraft has to be within 10 degrees of the final approach course
    4. 23 nm from the GBAS site
    5. 50 nm
  6. The final approach segment of a 3D approach contains a fix at which the glide path/altimeter relationship should be verified. If the check indicates an unexplained discrepancy, then:
    1. ILS approaches should be discontinued but GLS approaches can be continued
    2. no adjustment is required if the altimeter reads higher than the check height
    3. ILS and GLS approaches should be discontinued
    4. GLS approaches are geometric based, meaning you are protected for incorrect altimeter settings
  7. To ensure obstacle clearance, final approach course and glideslope tracking should be maintained to within what tolerances?
    1. half-scale deflection for GLS, full-scale deflection for ILS
    2. after the FAP, a missed approach should be commenced if the LOC/GLS or glideslope indicates full-scale deflection
    3. full-scale deflection for the GLS, half-scale deflection for an ILS
    4. full-scale deflection for the glideslope, half-scale deflection for the LOC/GLS
  8. The symbol at position OLSOG on the vertical profile for GLS RWY 34R represents:
    1. the final approach point
    2. the final approach fix
    3. the altimeter checkpoint
    4. no relevance for GLS approaches
  9. When cleared for a visual approach at night into Sydney for RWY 34R, the requirements to continue descent include being established:
    1. within 14 nm and less than full-scale deflection of the ILS or GLS glide path
    2. within 10 nm and less than full-scale deflection of the ILS or GLS glide path
    3. within 14 nm and not below the ILS or GLS glide path with less than full-scale azimuth deflection
    4. within 10 nm and not below the ILS or GLS glide path with less than full-scale azimuth deflection
  10. After reporting visual and being cleared for a visual approach to RWY 34R at YSSY, a go-around is performed in VMC. The go-around procedure is to:
    1. maintain runway track, climb to circuit altitude, contact ATC as soon as practical
    2. maintain runway heading, climb to 2,000 feet
    3. maintain runway track, climb to 1,500 feet, contact ATC for further instructions
    4. be flown in accordance with the GLS or ILS missed approach procedure for the runway the aircraft is using or as directed by ATC