Flying ops quiz

Airvan GA-8 in poor weather conditions at Cambridge Aerodrome, Tasmania.
image: CASA
  1. You are operating a twin-engine aeroplane and plan to overfly a populous area on your departure. What is the minimum height at which you can overfly a populous area?
    1. 1000 ft above the highest obstacle within a 600 m radius of the point on the ground directly below your aircraft
    2. 1500 ft above the highest obstacle within a 300 m radius of the point on the ground immediately below your aircraft
    3. a multi-engine aircraft is not subject to minimum altitude over populous area requirements
    4. 1500 ft AGL
  2. You are landing on a wet runway and your aircraft’s tyre pressure is 550 KPa. At what approximate speed in kts are you likely to hydroplane?
    1. at or above 81 kts
    2. at or above 55 kts
    3. below 81 kts
    4. below 55 kts
  3. Are you permitted to operate from Canberra to Nowra VFR at 2500 ft AMSL?
    1. yes
    2. no
    3. yes but only in the portions of the flight which are in controlled airspace
    4. no, not unless the landing light is illuminated for the duration of the flight
  4. You are operating a C182 privately. Canberra ATIS reports that low-visibility operations are in progress, the cloud ceiling is 400 ft and the visibility is 2500 m. Are you permitted to take off?
    1. yes
    2. no, you do not hold an approval
    3. yes, subject to ATC clearance
    4. no, a visibility of 5000 m is required
  5. On climb, when must you change the altimeter subscale from QNH to QNE (1013.2 HPa)?
    1. any time after passing 10,000 ft AND before levelling off
    2. passing 10,000 ft
    3. when instructed by ATC
    4. subscale setting change is not required if the difference between QNH and QNE is less than 2 HPa
  6. On descent, when must you change the altimeter subscale from QNE (1013.2 HPa) to QNH?
    1. before entering the transition layer
    2. passing 11,000 ft
    3. at top of descent
    4. subscale setting change is not required if the difference between QNH and QNE is less than 2 HPa
  7. When flying night VFR OCTA, you are permitted to descend below your LSALT/MSA provided:
    1. any time you are visual
    2. you are visual and ATS has advised ‘nil traffic for descent’
    3. within 3 nm of an aerodrome
    4. you are visual within 5 nm of the aerodrome and have broadcast your intention to descend
  8. When navigating under the VFR, you inadvertently find yourself on top of an unbroken cloud layer unable to navigate by visual reference to ground or sea. What should you do?
    1. declare an emergency
    2. descend through the cloud layer in order to regain visual reference
    3. navigate in accordance with the IFR requirements
    4. declare an emergency only if you cannot fix your position every 30 minutes
  9. While DME and GNSS equipped and navigating under the VFR, you are requested by ATC to provide distance information; you should:
    1. declare ‘unable, not instrument rated’
    2. provide a visual position only
    3. provide the navigation source and your distance from a specific point of reference
    4. provide DME distance only
  10. You meet the definition of being ‘in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome’ when:
    1. you are within 10 nm of the ARP
    2. you are at a height where you could present a hazard to other operations
    3. you are in uncontrolled airspace
    4. all of the above
  11. You are operating a C182 and plan on making a straight-in approach to a non‑controlled aerodrome. However, a NOTAM states the AWS will be unserviceable at the time of your arrival.
    1. you may make a straight-in approach provided you give way to any conflicting aircraft in the circuit
    2. you may make a straight-in approach provided you establish on final by 3 nm
    3. you may not make a straight-in approach unless you can determine the wind direction
    4. you may not make a straight-in approach unless you can determine the wind direction and the runways in use
  12. You are at FL 120 in an unpressurised aircraft. What supplemental oxygen requirements are applicable?
    1. none
    2. your aircraft should be fitted with a supplemental oxygen system
    3. you must use supplemental oxygen at any time above 10,000 ft AMSL
    4. you must use supplemental oxygen only when above FL 125

To view the answers, go to the next page using the page navigation buttons below.



  1. I’m having trouble reconciling your answer to Q10 because, according to 10c, I’m in the vicinity of Mallacoota when I’m at 2000’ above Bairnsdale. Kaz.

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