Helicopter ops

Helicopter flying with sunset in the background
image: CASA

1. Static rollover is when:

  1. one part of the undercarriage is stuck on the ground during lift-off
  2. the helicopter tips up on one undercarriage and the CG is outside the undercarriage width so the aircraft falls on its side
  3. the thrust from the main rotor tips the aircraft over on its side
  4. the pilot applies too much collective without keeping the attitude level with cyclic

2. The static rollover critical angle occurs when:

  1. the aircraft slope limits are exceeded
  2. mast bumping or droop-stop pounding due to excessive cyclic are present
  3. the helicopter is tilted and the CG is just outside of the helicopter undercarriage width
  4. no more cyclic can be applied as the pilot’s leg is in the way

3. The following factors influence the static rollover critical angle:

  1. lateral centre of gravity
  2. crosswind
  3. positioning of the cyclic
  4. all of the above

4. Dynamic rollover is:

  1. when the rotor side thrust and rolling momentum already generated, combine so the pilot can no longer prevent, with the flight controls, the helicopter rolling over
  2. when the helicopter tips up on one undercarriage and the CG is outside the undercarriage width so that the aircraft falls on its side
  3. only when one undercarriage is stuck on the ground and the rotor thrust causes the helicopter to roll over about the stuck undercarriage
  4. only occurs when in sidewards flight and the undercarriage catches on the ground and the helicopter flips over due to its momentum 

5. The dynamic rollover angle is:

  1. less than the static rollover critical angle
  2. too hard to calculate as there are too many variables
  3. when the tilted helicopter CG is just outside of the helicopter undercarriage width
  4. both (a) and (b)

6 Which factors can influence dynamic rollover?

  1. crosswind
  2. tail rotor thrust
  3. lateral position of the cyclic
  4. all of the above

7. The best method not to succumb to dynamic rollover is to:

  1. quickly apply collective to get away from the ground
  2. keep the cyclic in the centre of the control envelope 
  3. avoid the preconditions in the first place
  4. don’t land on slopes

8. The recovery actions for dynamic rollover on take-off are to:

  1. rapidly try to lift off into a high hover
  2. reduce the amount of tail rotor thrust
  3. apply cyclic to eliminate the roll
  4. lower the collective and abort the take-off

9. The recovery actions, when the preconditions for dynamic rollover on landing on a slope are identified, are to:

  1. abort the landing with coordinated smooth control inputs to a high hover
  2. rapidly lower the collective
  3. apply full into-slope cyclic
  4. rapidly increase the collective to lift off quickly

10. The dynamic rollover angle can be precisely defined:

  1. as the angle when the centre of gravity is above one of the undercarriage
  2. this is not possible as there are too many variables
  3. as greater than the static rollover critical angle
  4. as the angle between the rotor thrust and the vertical



  1. (b)
  2. (c)
  3. (a)
  4. (a)
  5. (d)
  6. (d)
  7. (c)
  8. (d)
  9. (a)
  10. (b)