Preparing for tomorrow’s skies, today


Are you working on something new for aviation? If so, we’d love to hear from you.

We’re calling on designers, manufacturers, inventors and other people and organisations with an interest to help us identify new technologies and other capabilities that may be deployed into the aviation environment in the next 3–10 years – beyond those we already know about.

The aim is to ensure we’re ready and able to respond to future changes that could affect the way we regulate civil aviation.

You can share this information with us via an online survey, available through our consultation hub. The survey is broken down into the topic areas of airspace, remotely piloted aircraft systems, advanced air mobility, evolved conventional operations, enabling capabilities and high-altitude operations.

We also welcome information about other emerging technologies that don’t fit neatly within any of these categories, but which could potentially affect the aviation industry in some way over the next decade.

The survey closes at midnight on Saturday 4 June. Help us prepare for the future. Complete it now.

Please note this survey is separate to our recent engagement with the public on our RPAS/advanced air mobility roadmap document.