Sponsorship grants are now available

Two maintenance engineers in aircraft hangar examining dismantled part
image: auremar - stock.adobe.com

CASA’s general sponsorship program is now open.

It’s an opportunity to support aviation organisations or individuals that want to advance and promote aviation safety.

Sponsorship usually takes the form of financial support. It can also involve provision of goods or services, such as information materials, communication collateral and CASA staff participation, for example, as a conference speaker.

Rob Walker, Executive Manager of CASA’s Stakeholder Engagement Division, says proposals for virtual or online education activities will again be welcomed for the 2021–22 round.

‘Our sponsorship program is all about the importance of aviation safety – its improvements and awareness – and how that can benefit the wider aviation community,’ he says.

‘Given the circumstances that various Australian states have gone through this year with COVID-19 lockdowns, many planned “in-person” activities have been disrupted or cancelled.

‘Many of us have adapted to moving to the web and this transition has also shown that post-COVID-19, certain aviation safety activities can and should be delivered effectively online.

‘And, as we’ve seen, many in our aviation community really embrace online engagement and the flexibility of this type of learning.’

In the 2020–2021 round, CASA sponsored a range of activities, with a few more still to be completed.

‘This year we sponsored the RPAS in Australian Skies conference and also contributed to the Barossa Airshow, which included pilot presentations by one of our aviation safety advisors, Terry Horsam,’ Rob says.

‘We also supported the education of Designated Aviation Medical Examiners (DAMEs) and relevant stakeholders about the Human Intervention Motivational Study (HIMS) program.

RAAus are holding their National Safety Month right now and maintenance seminars for pilots at the Kempsey Flying Club are scheduled for November.

Professionals under Pressure, a one-day event for pilots which focuses on human factors and key safety concepts, has been rescheduled for February in Toowoomba.’

More information on sponsorships is available on the CASA website. Applications close Friday 5 November.