AvSafety seminars are returning

Cessna 172R flying at sunset.

CASA is slowly recommencing the schedule for the popular AvSafety seminars, with the advertised dates remaining tentative until the event is open for registration.

The first seminar in the new series was held at Gawler in South Australia last month. The next ones are scheduled for Merimbula on Tuesday 25 August, Sunshine Coast and Moruya on Wednesday 26 August and Kalgoorlie on Friday 28 August.

‘Weather to fly’ is the theme for this year’s seminars, focussing on pilot decision-making behaviour in the face of adverse weather. Weather-related general aviation accidents remain one of the most significant causes for concern in aviation safety.

The presentation will look at the dangers of flying into IMC as a VFR pilot and focus on ways of preventing it happening through good flight planning and en route decision-making.

Seminars will highlight resources available while providing practical hints and tips to help pilots operate safely and efficiently. The information is designed to enhance and refresh pilots’ knowledge at all levels.

These seminars are an ideal opportunity for industry to interact with CASA, discuss local issues and ask questions of the regulator. Registration is through Eventbrite and attendance is free.

Please note that in order to meet COVID-19 safety protocols including maximum room capacities, only registered attendees can be admitted to the seminar.

We will be following state and territory guidelines and working closely with the venues to provide sensible precautions such as arranging seating to give extra space and making hand sanitiser available.

If you are unwell with a cough or fever or other respiratory symptoms, we ask you to please not attend. If you have recently travelled internationally, we would also appreciate if you could review and follow any Department of Health advice relevant to you.

Help make the skies safe for all and attend an AvSafety seminar.





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