Read all about it – new VFRG

Piper PA-28-161 Warrior II
The VFRG is an important guide, even on the brightest of flying days.

Doing it ‘by the book’ is one of the foundations of safe flying and, for general aviation, ‘the book’ is CASA’s Visual Flight Rules Guide (VFRG). The latest version 6.2 of the VFRG is now available.

The VFRG can be bought from CASA’s online store and can also be had as a free PDF download from the VFRG website.

The VFRG is designed primarily for VFR pilots engaged in domestic operations, with the printed version featuring a comprehensive booklet comprising detailed safety information, diagrams, charts and maps.

The VFRG is divided into five main sections:

  • General—the rules, licensing, pilot responsibilities, radio procedures
  • Pre-flight planning—meteorology, briefing, notification, information services
  • Operations—communications, non-controlled aerodromes, controlled airspace, sport aviation
  • Helicopter operations
  • Emergency procedures

Visit the VFRG website regularly for updates.

The latest edition of the guide features amendments to rules and regulations, and incorporates feedback from the aviation community.


  1. Staff Writers : The above posting states / wants recipients to refer to the VFRG web site for the latest updates .I am in a holder of the latest edition of the hard copy version of the VFRG. On checking the online site I find nowhere the mention of updates being mentioned . If there are updates/changes to the VFRG could a section be included to post/mention these updates/changes for those hard copy VFRG holders

  2. Hi Raptor,

    Thanks for your comment. If you head to and click on the link ‘Updates since 2015’ which is at the bottom of the page, you will see a list of updates throughout previous versions to the current one.

    Happy landings,

    CASA team.

  3. Staff Writers :
    “My bad”.I appologise for my last post. I did finally find the updates data after a second look. I spoke to the BRN Benchmark rep,My version is a version 6-0. The current one is 6.2 .I have now ordered the current one.I will now make sure that I now do a regular check of the VFRG page to keep abreast of the updates/changes.I assume that all the updates have been carried forward from the last update list and are incorporated into the latest version. Walter,I too remember the old orange version of the VFRG, How things have changed.

  4. I did do a more extensive read of the latest updates ,All in all I reckon that I am across and understand all the material in the updates,but having them in the VFRG is where they should be.

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