Flight Safety Australia: back in print


Pilots, maintainers, engineers, ATCs and cabin crew have told us how nothing matches the ‘tea room factor’ of our renowned print edition – so we’ve brought it back! Subscriptions open today.

Red Bull Air Race competitor Matt Hall is on the cover of our Spring 2019 edition with an unexpected message from a pilot of his world-class talent: skill is not enough. With the clarity that comes from mastery, Hall explains how a pilot needs planning, discipline, fitness and situational awareness in equal measure with stick and rudder virtuosity.

Contributor Kreisha Ballantyne looks at an area where knowledge boosts safety: what VFR pilots can learn from the professional and measured world of IFR operations. If you fly VFR you need to know the principles of IFR in order to safely fly in the vicinity of departing and arriving IFR traffic. There is also much to learn from the professionalism and precision of IFR operations.

Commercial pilot Nick Stobie analyses the insidious habit of aircraft overloading and its role in broader organisational drift away from safety. Adrian Park tells the horrifying story of an express freighter crew faced with a bizarre and unprecedented situation high in the dome of the polar night. We examine what could have been the worst disaster in the history of aviation—only a late go-around avoided a collision between five airliners on a taxiway. And we look again at a crash described in the first Aviation Safety Digest of 1953, with the help of a surviving de Havilland Comet pilot.

We also offer our popular round-up of Australian and international accidents. All content in the new printed edition will be made available in time on the flightsafetyaustralia.com website but printed readers will get the first look, and a permanent record, perfect for tea rooms and, based on what readers have told us, other small rooms.

  • Flight Safety Australia is available now by subscription from the CASA Online Store for $39.95 for four issues a year, delivered to your door in Australia.
  • Subscribe by 25 August to receive the Spring 2019 issue. Subscribers after that date will receive the Summer issue as their first.
  • The first 900 subscribers get the gift of a kneeboard, a multitool or a fuel drain (their choice, stocks permitting) with their subscription.
  • Subscribe at shop.casa.gov.au



  1. I miss the old crash comics, full of real life stories with little in the way of BS & hairy fairy feel good HF and crap advertising, and they where FREE! Ah the good old days, looooong gone sadly-:(

    • Walter
      I concur with your sentiments. The Safety Digest during the sixties (my era) was a top magazine, especially for learners, lighty pilots, and mostly to do with the GA scene. And yes they arrived in the mail Free!

    • I was a learner in the late 60’s too, and loved reading them. Unfortunately, later on I re-read a whole pile of them whilst listening to blue grass music. Now whenever I listen to blue grass I think about plane crashes.
      I wonder exactly why they are not FREE.

  2. We used to rely on the tax payer for all our freebies previously…they must have rebelled..? The result is now empty GA airports on weekends. and no free safety mags. :(.

  3. I agree with Walter,,,,those old mags from the 60,s and the 70,s were for sure the most valuable and informative,,,featuring real life experiences of many aviators,,,,,,however the university types got hold of it and that was the end,,,,they said there was not a downturn in accidents,,,so the printed matter had to change,,,,
    So what difference has been noted in the accident rate since then,,,,,I would suggest none,,,,

  4. $39,95 for a journal on safety. What greedy nonsense.

    Might I suggest that this government greed might not do much for safety (read in conjunction with the effects of saving money at the FAA and the B38M). In fact, I suggest that other than corporate subscribers, there won’t be a great demand for this version while it is available on line. Most of us can read things on our Smartphone in the “tea room”.

    And if it taken off line, I suspect it will be read by very few.

    It should be remembered by the authorities as well as us all that in this business what you don’t know can hurt you – badly!

  5. Unfortunately, I think that day is coming when the online version will also require payment to view. If this happens, the journal will lose a lot of reader, possibly the majority of them. That’d be a real shame as there is a lot of valuable information here.

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