Have your say on the Flight Planning kit

Product shot from the CASA online store. Flight planning kit (Product ID: SP088).

Designed to assist low-hour VFR pilots with good flight planning habits, the Flight Planning kit consists of a handbook outlining eight stages of a flight, a flight planning notepad, personal minimums card, time in your tanks card, non-controlled airport procedures, be heard be seen be safe booklet, and a number of Bureau of Meteorology cards, all in an orange satchel to help with cockpit organisation.

Planning a flight doesn’t start when the props start turning—it can start a week or so before departure. Everything you need is in this kit. The spiral-bound planning guide alerts pilots to critical issues and is augmented with a laminated fuel calculation chart and a personal minimums checklist.

From time to time CASA conducts surveys to measure the effectiveness of products and it’s time to have your say on the Flight Planning kit. A survey has just opened that asks users of the kit a number of questions including if you have found it useful in your flight planning, how useful you have found each component of the kit, if you have used the time in your tank card in flight, and if you would recommend the kit to other pilots.

All responses will be anonymous and used for evaluation purposes only. Your answers will help us to improve future editions of this kit.

The survey closes on 5 May.


  1. It’s a good idea but one has to wonder how we pilots ever managed years ago, for me 40 years ago, I guess we got taught properly and never relied on anything other than common sense and being responsible. In the days of full sar reporting and proper briefing offices we took it seriously!! Airmanship is something of the past!

  2. Does anyone remember when there was an A-5 Bright orange book called the Visual Flight Guide? It contained all the info you needed for a simple VFR flight (including extracts from the relevant Regs) in one handy sized volume, it was in plain english and it was easy to use. It even made you feel like a big time professional when your amendments arrived every month!!

  3. At first I thought “ah that’s nice they offer it free” then saw shipping was $15, not crazy but also not honest. Shipping would be $5 max for this item.

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