FSA readers’ survey

Flight Safety Australia is changing frequency

In August 2017, we surveyed readers of Flight Safety Australia (FSA) magazine about their preferences for delivery and frequency of FSA, which since 2012, has been delivered electronically, via an app for tablets, and the flightsafetyaustralia.com website. A big thank you to all who took the time to complete the survey.

We wanted to assess readers’ preferences before making any changes to the magazine’s content and how it’s delivered. And we have listened! From January next year, we will be changing the way we offer Flight Safety Australia’s same credible, informative and comprehensive content. You said you felt the balance was about right in the coverage of aviation safety issues, but would like to see more close calls and accident reports. So keep those calls coming in, so that we can continue to help others learn from them. You also wanted aviation safety information more often, so we are going to increase the frequency of articles, with new stories every week and a monthly edition (rather than the current bimonthly app edition) for you to download and keep.

And for those who still hanker for a hardcopy for the aero club or flying school coffee table, don’t forget we have produced the annual printed Flight Safety Australia Collectors’ edition for the past two years, and of course, will continue to publish that printed collectors’ edition each year in December.